Four-Year Academic Planning
Establish your academic flight path
Before a student even enters high school, career foundations have been established in their primary years. College navigation tools and career days are the first foray into understanding the world of work. However as a student enters into the workforce there needs to be a plan to leverage core and elective coursework as well as clubs, activities, internships, and part-time jobs to help students explore facets of what they are learning through the lens of determining what career paths make sense to pursue in their postsecondary years.
Who is Academic Planning for?
✓ 8th and 9th Graders trying to identify a four-year plan of courses that highlight their strengths and explore new academic endeavors.
✓ 9th and 10th Graders looking to leverage electives as they progress into upper level coursework.
✓ 11th and 12th Graders looking to apply to specialized programs including Dual Enrollment, AP coursework, technical school, medical careers programs, and summer courses to fulfill upper level academic credits.

Students’ skills, hobbies, interests, wants, needs, and content areas that could help shape future academic and career interests.
Help define a plan of action based on interests, academic course load, and future course offerings
Utilize coursework and endeavors to maximize a student’s high school years before making any post-secondary investment.
Academic Philosophy
Working with students and their stakeholders to confer on strengths, past coursework, current interests and hobbies helps students recognize the strengths in themselves that others see. By fostering love and belonging, students can build self-esteem, identify their own strengths, and strike out on their own pathway to become the most they can be. Students who learn the essence of what it takes to be successful in this process of reflection and self-actualization will be able to replicate these steps throughout their academic careers and in their interpersonal relationships.