Vicki Vollweiler and Four Year Academic Planning
It was Lynne’s pleasure to speak with Vicki Vollweiler about our Four-Year Academic Planning model and just how important it is for families to establish a foundation for academic curiosity and identity exploration before embarking on a student's high school career.
23 Lessons To Maximize A Student’s High School Experience:
As a college counselor, I have watched thousands of students move through high school and not always invested in their experience. I can also say, in hindsight, I wished I had followed this advice during my time in high school.
Free Online Language Courses Unleash Your Linguistic Potential
We get questions often asking for additional support for students taking foreign languages or how can I learn a language quickly before embarking on study abroad or an exchange semester. The answer comes from a variety of sources, many of which are free, not to mention that in today's interconnected world, being multilingual is more valuable than ever before.
How to Write a Brag Sheet
Keeping track of your activities is essential to accurately track your experiences, reflect on your interests, and identify growth opportunities. The following article highlights some of the key features you will want to share with colleges, internships, and more.
Finding the Best Extracurriculars for College and Beyond
Academic clubs, part-time jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities provide valuable opportunities for you to explore your interests and passions while also showcasing your experience, initiative, and dedication.